14 hrs of waiting, dancing, waiting and dancing to an end. an one that's worth i too. and if anyone reads this, it's true i'm the happiest person alive! there's so many memories, workin with the white hoods and knockout, great! great! great! the whole story; actually i thought coming at 8 was crap and Ahmad and myself thought like what the hell?! ok so it's like never mind ur not the only one suffering. but when i got to my motorbike that morning, i thought here comes my first test! i had to carry so many things, like bananas, myself, ahmad(ok he's not a thing), the pill! and i felt like you know this 5 minutes are gg to be like a heck of a circus ride but it was ok, tough and though we look like some circus, it was cool...image man.......image.
so the day starts and there was no breakfast, i almost lost it. plus they won't allow us to get food from outside like JUST outside. ok never mind that everyone started to like read somethin..damn funny...yeah and peter was busy doing something else i can;t remember what exactly and all i saw in that secluded, claustrophobic inducing room was the 'competition' entering. the smudges, hwachong institution, those peeps from saint andrew's (called themselves Saint-sation i think) and the lot. yeah so afterwards came the cycle of like waiting where we crapped and crapped and bitched and bitched and bitched and all that. so we had like one rehearsal, then one full dress b4 the actual thing. in between we came out with a lot of shit like how the face of contemp music looks like, hip hop and breaking, learning cartwheels and staying there, grooving to other people's music and mocking others'. yea according to peter we wil be like you know, having to do all the cartwheels and stunts and six steps and all that b boy thingy by the time he comes back. and i'm like," right........" and he's like," yah right..."
oh shit! that does it lah.
but thinking of better things i can't help that while we were hving the full dress rehearsal, Carrie chong and Daniel Ong were like looking at us with jaw dropping awe that i forgot my steps (ok lah that one was really forget steps, sorry lah!)
bout the opening item i'm like ok what's this gonna be like and after rozana said something about zaki being a bitch and diva and all i can't help but have a biased first impression (thanks!). so yes my comments aside, i thought that the openign was so creative and meticulously choreographed and i like the idea of person working with so many dancers and the idea of scolding them and screaming and them and making them do things all over again and and ok...i'll leave my fantasies to myself....... but anyway it turned out visually impressive. i was impressive! ok a bit narcassistc there haha! pose and dance and pose and we were so hyper. the rest would attest to that!
yup then came the real show! like i was so hyper, everyone is so hyper. and i'm like so full of adrenaline and everyone else too. we were adrenalised. we danced like no one's business and we still think that we couldn't win. hhmmm.....humble or what people. good lah.
and while we waited for the results we can't help but exhiliratingly shout about the fact that we did it we did it and yes we did it and still not thinking that we would win? funny......
then b4 the results there were like those little boys dancing and struting and grooving their stuff man. they are like so cool they can pop lock and dance. so i gave all of them high fives afterwards, except one who got a high ten.
up there on stage,we were like hugging and waiting and hugging and waiting and waitng with bated breaths and unduly worry as Daniel kept us in suspence, his version of it at least! thanks dan!
then he and carrie said," WHAK!!!!!!"
then smiled cause i don't want my face to look bad on TV haha....
somehow i thought i shook Charles' had like he was my hommie..dammit. this hip hop thing's gotta know how to be mutually exclusive. thus, with da verdict, we jump and jumped and some cried and others kept smiling, look cynical and like mentally retarded but for the camera's sake. whatever......
then came an episode of wild photo taking and stunt shows and all that. no press statements that's good! but jiexiao warned us that we might be anywhere. what's that supposed to mean? porn also can... ok ok kidding. so yeah all the supporters and helpers came to shake hands and getting reay to lepak and all. i met Wan Ting, Ridhwan and MElvin, crazy people! it's been so long.
and my friends came to support me, and i didnt have my digital camera with me! damn it...anyway they desrve special mention like zahdan, myra, shahidah and hashrin really thanks for coming.
and my sister too, it was her birthday but i forgot to wish her. so she waited for me to get home and pretended to sleep (plus she left the light on....how obvious is that!!!) so that i can wake her up and wish her happy birthday. desperate or what. 14 yr olds...(roll eyes). sheesshhh. bitchy or what?
talking bout being bitchy i think ahmad's got the potential to be the mother bitch, so i was thinking maybe we bitches can start a club u know...like a club by bitches for bitches who bitch bout other bitches who don't know we have a bitch club! but than again......in Blast! everday is a bitch someone day! if not someone...it's everyone bitch bout everyone else! Blast! culture..secondarily. Primary to some!
we lepaked at like East coast macdonald's like there;s 25 of us. how rowdy is that! and we were like gonna celebrate jimmy's birthday n he doesn't know bout it. so after like cock talkin and suan-ning people and him, Bob came up with a brilliant idea on how to get him away and talk bout his "problems" somewhere so that we can get his cake that we placed over in the Mac's fridge. when he came back we sang, i felt like a K2 kid but yeah there were liek 24 others around me, so i felt better! haha. and yah he was to dance like 8 sets of 8 in front of komala's b4 we allowed him the honours of prize opening and cake cutting! oklah that was sort of fun........despite the space shortage........ we talked bout lotsa stuff and it's been long that i saw people like xiufen, liwei, and adriene man whatever happened......ok no no!! (damn this is like a bloody monologue!)
right then later myself, jacky, candy and sis, peixuan, jiexiao, ahmad and fen went around airport to accompany our dearest peter before he left for the US of A in da morning, wait it is already morning then. so we had lots of things gg on we were at first lepaking at some cafe where they keep cahnging the radio channels..man that was irritating. and we were like there like some bunch of idiots who obviously were retarded due to brain fatigue had nothing better to do than to start assembling and dismantling puzzles into and out of shapes. Jiexiao was playing puzzle charades....ok we all did and we were like again retardos.....what the heck and peter was showing us some magic tricks that he was to show the kids in the US and practice them on the plane on the way. i'm like," what the....." but oklah...it was quite magical considering i'm light headed and was desperate for anything that can stimulate my cortices!
after we left that cafe we started walking to the viewing gallery where we were like taking pictures, looking at others sleep and studying at the "No Studying or Sleeping area". and later we sat at some benches where peter decided that he had to measure our threshold for muscular pain. ok, apparently counter-contraction doesn't work remember people, KungFu however subtle..WORKS..painfully! haha.....jiexiao made some stupid faces when peter poked like a strand of leaf on his nose..ok not the face..the nose EXPANDED!! blearghh...he later slept on the floor upon which i joined him..wah not bad eh the floor very therapeutic......
what else hhmmm..nothing much lah....take some photos here and there and then sent peter off, nostalgic...jiexiao didn't cry did he? nope that was his manly cry earlier during the competition!! haha..anyways, we went for a BK brakfast and candy looks like she was going to die eating....alrite then.....i think that was all.... in total i think i spent like 23 hrs awake today..man.....
time to get some sleep!!