Friday, April 23, 2004

dream on....

while the whole world is condemning the states, except the Americans themselves, i just keep quiet and at times try to justify the reasons why Americans sometimes behave the way they do?
though i don't really support the cause of the American administration, i do however love the other aspects of it. you see i'm just a poor boy brought up in a low income family who happen to grow up getting the American vibes, and liking it. it appeals me. i love it's form of liberty. and the list goes on. i want to live there some day and die there too. hahaha...when i tell people about it they just laugh it off- and sometimes we laugh together - and they must be thinking this kid gotta be kidding me!! well i'm serious wait and see, i would go.
i'll tell you more about it!

Sunday, April 18, 2004

Prelude to mother's day

i've always thought of my mom as someone who's in her own world. she's always doing things covertly; for her own reasons. the thing is i've never really appreciated her for the person she is, but judge her for what she does and through that myopism, i make my conclusion about her. well it's been programmed into my head such that it's hard for me to have a positive remark, at times. realisation takes time to happen and for me, my so called 'wisdom' eventually got me to my senses; telling me 'hey!! c'mon think!!"

so i did just that and now i'm putting in effort to actually hypersensitise my senses to further understand my mother better and somehow it's been great! i learned new things i've never known about her, why she behaves the way she does, etc.

i guess there are reasons to why people to da things they do. i have my own. but one thing for sure, a life without that motherly would be a meaningless life. maybe some of u may disagree, like i said u may have ur reasons. nevertheless, do try to get to know ur mom well --> if you haven't already. don't be afraid if you think you'll look 'fake' if you decide to drastically shower your affection overnight. take that step towards reconcilation and fill up those missing pieces of your emotions/feelings. i did and trust me it'll be a step you'll never forget.

mother will get a huge surprise on that day i bet
and no!! it ain't any frame nor some stupid hat
try as i might, like finding a needle on a pilestack of hay
i can never repay her not even on mother's day

Saturday, April 17, 2004

A mind of my own

one day, i hope to become an accomplished theatre-director and direct my own plays and convey my ideas

one day, i hope to be the biggest selling author writing books that change peoples lives like America chnaged the world.

one day, i hope to be the first person to step on mars and mark my name on the books of history.

one day, i hope to be the educator, who moulds the future generations.

one day........

Wednesday, April 14, 2004

i watched from afar as children ran around the playground; wearing happy expressions and producing laughter that would make one laugh along whenever it's vibrations reaches the labyrinths of the ears. that sound resonated in my head, and i cant help but miss those times; those innocent years. all i ever wanted to do when i was a kid was love my grandmother; maybe love is too esoteric a word for a young fik to understand, for retrospectively speaking, i 'used' my grandmother for myself, my selfish desires, my need for affection, attention, you name it. but i guess being a kid justifies those instances. at the same time it ain't fair if God has to take someone whom you pour your love and affection to at a point in time where one hasn't learned or discovered the true meaning or materialise that understanding of what love for someone is all about. it gets worse if such things happen to you again............ and again.

hari demi hari berlalu dengan kesunyian yg kian hari makin kuat. entah kenapa hatiku berasa begitu berat sekali, mataku semakin loya menjama sinaran cahaya yg selalu ku terima;spontan, lemah-lesu? seumpama diriku ini tidak terdaya lagi, tiap langkah dan tiap gerakkan tubuh menjadi satu tugas berat yg semakin lama mengulum batinku....akhirnya aku menyerah diri setelah berkali-kali ku cuba memerah tenagaku untuk keluar dari nasibku ini; kenyataan realiti atau fatamorgana yg selama ini menggelumbu hidupku...
ketidakadilan ku fikirkan; tidak akan sama sekali aku diabaikan....tidak akan sama sekali nasibku begitu dasyat, adakah ini satu jalan ke arah kesedaran, ke arah 'perdirikarian'?
benak fikiranku cuba meninjau buat sedemikian, kemudian ku langsung semula dengan keadaan statik-ku.....


i gave the child a kiss on the forehead.
a surge of autonomic reflexes overcame me and in my heart i prayed for the extension of the inevitable outcome
i looked at her face as i walked out of the room, smiling....'feeling love'......

Monday, April 12, 2004

i lay on my bed as memories -old and new- project themselves onto the screen of my mind. never b4 have i felt such peace...

for once my head was able to focus on the blankness of that very screen....the fact that i can picture a never-ending blue sky-uninterrupted- with cirrus clouds, and an eagle superposed onto it...

i followed that eagle for what it seemed like a journey across the Atlantic; and at that altitude i was able to appreciate the scent of the ocean, the feeling of the sun's rays 'sun-kissing' the skin of my face, the cold yet ironically comforting trade winds that blew my hair exposing every strand to the atmospheric extravagance;

deliriously overwhelmed;
recollections of unpleasant, tragic memories,
in this new-found state of my mind...

Sunday, April 11, 2004

at one corner

is the sight of a guy, nursing a popped pimple on his face, with expression indicating a period of transient pleasure obtained from it and later regret, for wit it came a scar, that woud affect his outlook-in all its aspects#

beside me is a table,acommodating

two people

where two friends, close, bitchy and all; transmit and receive different frequencies; where the outcome was failure of communication in which the finalty manifests itself as a verbal manifesto.....their faces repelled facing east and near yet so far

2 lovers, sharing a meal

smack right in front of my visual field

a complex situation arise suddenly, or maybe, lame --> depending on how one sees it. the was appreciation, understanding, love, deluded, deprived, jealous, and a plethora of feelings emanated from them, each one reactive to the other's dialogue, or so it seems; one blaming the other for his/her deficiencies, worthlessness, insensitivity, conditionality and repulsive personal traits that seem to have surfaced after years of latency; defensive, angry and emotional; eventually came upon the realisation tht 'it's a wrap' she walks away to a finalty knowing acceptance requires survival...of the soul


Wednesday, April 07, 2004

i woke up in response to the banging sounds of tortoises hittin the plastic aquarium. i can never get those creatures. they eat, shit and eat, know...but that somehow describes some homosapiens as well, so i don't blame them. i mean if you're stuck in an aquarium since mummy tortoise gave birth to you, you ought to elicit some signs of extra-aquarial environment deprivation.... i gave them a hard stare. they stopped doing what they did( i.e. banging...the aquarium that is).

the karung-guni man went 'kkkaaaarrruuunnnggg-guunniii.....bla3(can never catch what he is saying but i know he's yelping for old newspapers and various paraphernalia)'. mom used to threaten into giving my brother and i to him in exchange for cash...i wonder how much i'd be worth then. i ignored the thought as but can't help to think that kids like myself are so dumb into buying such threats. talk about being naive!

flushed the toilet bowl and walked towards the mirror, grabbed the toothbrush and paste, i looked around the bathroom, and fixed my eye onto a spot where a cockcroach laid (dead) just the night before. i was doing my usual stuff, on the net chatting and sorts, got out of my seat and headed for the bathroom to do my business when i saw a roach having a recee of the place. immediately i took out the pesticide and sprayed on the bugga.

it died of course. but i "smart" to know the bugga's family and friends resided inside the rubbish chute so i decided to spray some there too.

the thing is, my spraying when on and on to a point where fumigation became the apt description of my actions. a BIG mistake. 10 minutes later when i opened the chute again... close to 25 roaches started spewing out of the freaking chute and some even landed on my forearm and hand. i screamed (@ 3.16a.m.). and the whole early morning was spent spraying roaches!! and clearing 'em up.

Rinsed my mouth and got out of the loo, pass the chute, the tortoises and to the living room where i began hoping the day would turn out all right....until the bloody messed-up room said, 'good morning to you'

Hell broke loose.

(at this point in time i chose not to describe my thoughts or feeling in writing for fear of offending others with blatant profanities and sorts...but i'll wish you well though....hope you have a nice day)
nerve-wrecked...that's the feeling i felt as i walked into my examination hall and even more so when i saw the paper itself as recollections of what i studied earlier sank deeper into the sulci of my cerebra as anxiety overcame me.

at that instant i drowned, drowned into the 'darkness' i realised my predicament. though i knew at that point i was a victim of some transient, physiological biological neurotransmitter imbalance, i succumbed to it. and throughout, i was trying so hard to keep myself calm and collected and attempted to think...."c'mon think think think" no avail. coupled with the progressively hand paralysing coldness of the examination venue, things just got worse, cause there was only an hour left and i had 3 more essays to go.
the greatest insult came when the supraspinal inhibiton to my bladder reflexes seemed to start waning....but i persisted.
i looked around, somehow trying to find justification to the state of mind i'm in and at the same time i guess, provide myself with the consolation i need. i did not find it cause i was sitting RIGHT IN FRONT, turning my head to the rear would be obvious as i'm right-smacked in the invigilator's visual field and duh!! visual reflexes, and throwing an eraser over my head would do no good as i risk hurting someone behind me and it's pointless cause i won't do the picking up myself.
eventually, i just went back to my solemn state and prepared for a last ditch attempt, to restore my, i would say, normal exam state of mind.....again to no productivity.......12.08

put your pens down.

We are goin to collect the papers now.

Remain quiet in your seats.

Aaarrrrrggghhh(he's gonna take out the trash --> literary)

You may now leave the hall....

An outburst of lamentations proceeded...."damn, it's hard"...."i didn't finish the paper".....etc

Sunday, April 04, 2004

I read with much intrigue what a local Malay Singaporean wrote. To tell the truth, much of the writer's views i share, except that my ability to articulate ideas with such precision, and vocalize, in writing, at the level of what i would deem academic excellence, can be regarded cerebrally inadequate.Haha.... nevertheless, i would express my acceptance to the writer's views i point.

reality hurts,reality bites but reality tells you the truth, more often than not reality hides itself in 'the boot of a car'. Well i see Singapore in that context, like a car being driven by the engines of 'post-modernism, post-cold war ideals and the so-called "multi-cultural" petrol' but at the same hiding in it's boot, it's past! See.. that's not where i'm going but i'm leaving that for highly-inquiring minds out there to go figure. At least read up on singapore's history, say 400 yrs ago, where Mr.Sang Nila Utama first landed, to how a "backward-fishing village" somehow, by the motivation of industry-buliding, competition and the need to thrive in by constantly mirroring trends in Western, "advance etc", nations, to becoming a first class metropolitan, "free" of colonialism.

the thing i'm touching on is this, what impact has the colonialist and the immigrant settlers left us Malay Sinagporeans with hitherto. b4 that let me quote a paragraph i obtained from the writer's paper:
"Every colonized people- in other words, every people in whose soul an inferiority complex has been created by the death and burial of its local cultural originality- finds itself face to face with the language of the civilizing nation...If he is overwhelmed to such a degree by the wish to be white, it is because he lives in a society that makes the inferiority complex possible, in a society that derives its stability from the perpetuation of this complex, in a society that proclaims the superiority of one race; to the identical degree to which that society creates difficulties for him, he will find himself thrust into a neurotic situation." (Franz Fanon, Black Skin, White Masks 18, 100).
Well, what really happened, at least to me, is the death of the Malay identity, the lack of acknowlegment to it and the lack of efforts to live up to the Malay ethnicity in the background of a Chinese dominated society. Malays - pple, history, culture, traditions, fashion, trends, language, literature, arts,etc - have been displaced! and this displacement phenomena is taking it's soul out of the nation, if not the pple and more relevantly the Malays themselves. And what's left are just little concessions where recognition is prized at occasions- more often frivolous ones- in schools, small scaled performances,post-graduate analysis which goes no further than the confines of the four walls of cement and paper respectively.
Indeed the lingua franca in modern day singapore is mandarin, next comes english and in school, parliment to high-society to the middle-class all speak english. Evidently, the purpose of constitutional recognition of the malay language as th official anguage and the mainstay of the "majulah singapura" as the national anthem seems as a attempt to salvage what's left of the Malay past that Singapore/temasek/Nanyang( God know's what?) used to pervade this entire region.
The failure to recognise this past and the mistake of taking the point of raffles' colonisation as YR 0 in singapore's chronology, has it's consequences. Of course, there will be much abuse to the system( i quote the writer) if privileges were given to the Malays, like our bumiputras across the causeway, but at the same time the notion or the reality of tokenism is profanication to the Malays if not to the extend of 'menconteng arang di muka'.

The truth is the Malays have a place, let's take an example, in terms of literature. maybe it does not reflect the emancipation of literary forms but it's deep intimacies are noteworthy.
The fact that s'pore being geographically located in the middle of what we call the Malay Archipelago and it used to being part of some massive malay empire, are too worth delving.
There are also many 'wiped-out' malay landmarks, like kampong glam and kampong java which by the works of so called preserving it is 'progressing' at a very slow pace, even till now, which are left unexplored and God knows what architectural magnificents we have under the mounts of Fort canning,the bulidings of Bras basah and Bugis village.
What i see is the reluctance of the political superiors.what i also see is the lack of activity or voice in the Malay community in pushing forth their identity in mainstream society- which is already predminated by our 'significant other(s)'. what i can conclude is that passivity leads to eventual advocation to cultural destruction and possibly extinction, or we Malays couldn't just be bothered. Evolution of languages, cultures and sorts do occur but i think it happened to fast for Malay singaporeans, to the extend that they allow others to de-culturise them, allowing others to define their culture for them at the expense of losing the Malay identity altogether. Lucky for us we still have the Malay annals to tell us what we actually were and what we were capable of doing and how we've changed ourselves throughout these years, or else we'll begin to wonder if there's a Malay Civilisation in the first place!!!( what more it's so evident that if a tourist steps his foot in Singapore he'll be more inclined to assume Singapore's "Chinese-Heritage" and those who visited the Singapore Asian Civilisation Museum will evidently observe the substantially numerous amounts of Chinese artefacts).
As for myself, it's true that ive already crossed the Malay-Western border(you figure which side i'm on) and that my attempts of salvaging my Malay identity manifests in the form of trying to assimilate with my Malay counterparts in school and in the multitudes of cultural activities that i try to immerse myself in but ever-so often seem to automatically find myself at the surface again with a life bouy labeled 'western pop culture'.
The fact is i do not like myself to be labelled Malay singaporean on my pink ic, for with it, does not come pride, but abject humiliation inflicted on me by my own pple and me of course and always being scrutinised and that whenever success comes, it is always a triumph against the "evil" or "inadequacies" that my ethnic group brings.Extremely or maybe aptly put, malay singaporeans are being marginalised, critisised and what have nots! it's a wonder why we have a minister-for-MUSLIM Affairs but not one for Chinese, christians, hindus and sorts. you go figre!!

i would like to end with another quote from the writer's paper:
"Without a Malay past, without a Malay future, it is impossible for me to live my Malayness. Not yet yellow, no longer wholly brown, I am damned."
And that in this exclamation of annoyance, it is apt that i one day pack my bags and leave for another country and bring my 'doomed indentity' with me. See you in America....if not elsewhere!!