Sunday, February 29, 2004

thinking is just a natural thing to do and we do it all the time. but what defines a thinker? does he/she have to be one with an academic profile? or can it be anyone, anywhere in the world? ultimately, what does it take to earn the title as one? cause right now,God knows how many 'thinkers' there are. not that it's a bad thing, it's just confusing. note those promoting one idea and another with the same thing with a little twist and caveats,etc. see this spells uncertainty, we just have shit loads of ideas and theories, but many unknown truths. besides who can we trust? how do we assess credibility? so how then do we know, for sure, that what we know is the truth, or whatever others know for that matter! that comes back to my point about thinking, cos the problem with people today is that most don't spend their time thinking CONSTRUCTIVELY, merely letting thoughts go through the circuitry- physiological- motor/limbic- loop motion! they except certain ideas w/o doubt nor reservation. and that's the power of influence, and it's dangerous! we've seen it in WWII, and we see it all the time, pple using their neurolinguistic-manipulating-skills to get others influenced! Easily! and all it takes to change a community is one person with the determination to propound his/her ideology- skewed or not! at the end of the day, we have to think for ourselves, adopt a discerning approach! in any case if u happen to think i'm also a god-damn manipulating freako, think again, it's just a thought!