Monday, September 12, 2005


after so long i finally decided to type something into this dormant blog. currently busy as hell. in the middle of dance productions and there's like tons or rehearsals. it's a bit irky when u have to let go of passion and dance for the sake of pleasing the people u dance for. not that it's not worth it. but the manner could be different somehow. i mean people have expectations, yes sur they do, but we have dancers with different styles and groove and technique and feel etc, so we can't expect everyone to be equal. and another thing, how do u know that someone hasn't put in 101% in the item? good question. no answer but just assumptions. we assume that sometimes if the person doesn't do what they are "required" to do then they are not doing it full out. aiyah, so many things cause this mah! so whatever the heck. nowadays i get by all these demoralising stuff by applying the omega listening method, get the gist not the emo part. i realise sometimes people say things out of emotions and not out of rationality - i'm guilty of that too! but for other people who get that from me, i don't know what strategy they apply but yes, they survive or not. i was told from a friend that i made another fren cry while preparing for a certain performance. i didn't know that. but i'll guess i'll have to learn from these experience too. dancers are human too. they are already faced with the impending possibility of physical demands of choreography and technique. and imptly dancers have feelings too, although sometimes they might do better showing it while they are dancing than while they're not. and yes, tehy make mistakes!! even during performance! i guess dance demands one to be a perfectionist in a way. i.e. u wanna look good? you better work your ass so that u won't melt and sink into the stage hoping you don't die of embarassment once u made a mistake! hah!! sometimes i admit, it's crazy lah this dance thingy. but the satisfaction out of it is rewarding for me at least. politics and shit happens. regardless of passion, regardless of anything. it's how we manage shit!!
now doing ENT posting, not very fun. it's a very sticky and wet posting! dealing with disgusting noses, ears and throats! yes. eww!! and i realise that despite being one of the richest people in the country, these ENT surgeons can also be one of the bitchiest. maybe cause they don;t have that much patients to see and operations to do that they decide to work on something else. some do art, so do golf, one DOES bitching! i wont mention any names. teh last week has been hell and boring!! at least for hospital posting! i thought i learned more from the books than from patients. then again the dean would say," seeing patients is a privilege." besides we medical students pay $128 dollars a day to get to do postings in hospitals. so might as well!
this year will have to study extra hard. patho!!! arrgghh....
[dance-again!] Well if anyone is interested to catch dance reflections this coming week over at NAtional UNiversity Singapore's University Cultural Centre (UCC) on 16 and 17th september at 7.30pm, do inform me yah! tickets are priced at 11, 13 and 16 (S$).
Missing some people.....sian...


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