Saturday, March 25, 2006


i've been slacking. really. and watching whese dance videos on youtube is helping me to slack. freak! i just made it sound like a good thing. for this coming exams i have resorted to spotting questions- like i have always done for the past 4 years in med school. dammit. i was asking my friend the other day whether we should be studying red cell diseases and he said no cause it's not in syllabus. i was like "since when was something not in syllabus dude?" so i asked him," what do u do then if someone comes in with anemia etc etc dx as myelofibrosis?" he said,"refer to specialist la!"
anyway i didn't know what to reply. half-shocked and half-relieved, more relieved i guess for not having it included in exams, then again i didnt recall anyone giving us a proper lecture on that topic. maybe it's assumed we'll be picking it up along the way somewhere- maybe the exams mcq questions (i won't b surprised and everyones is it?-something new to learn somewhere, at least they included THAT in the objectives, bloody DO)- sometime..maybe after they tested it then they'll give us a lecture on it cause everyone did badly for the question(s). i'm supposed to be halfway through second round of revisions and i'm here whining about the state i am in, like what my batchmates do- sometimes all the time. i dont know why when medical students meet we keep whining about the stuffs at hand, the difficult postings, the evil tutors from this and that department of this n that hospital, etc. but then again sometimes i do that too, i'm not complaining actually, just a bit on the edge about the coming papers...100mcqs negative marking, 15 stations of pots and slides and 4 essays. at point when i'm like a bit worked up, i had to hear my seniors taking the mbbs finals talk about the warths of medical and surgical clinical and theory finals! and having exams on SUNDAY!! what?! i don't feel like doing mbbs finals already (whine some more). whaddaheck.
okok... i'm off to watch dance videos on youtube...
here's bob fosse's the aloof from rich man frug's which kena cut off like 50 secs into it but check out their postures....
and some pseudo whacking, hip-hop-some-can-makeit-some-cannot-girls
and one of the dance pieces from all that jazz..



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