Thursday, March 03, 2005

learning how to break bad news!

maybe this is a bad one to start with! but i observed the tutors doin it in the ER and also of course the TV show ER.

Learing to break bad news.

a.Put on a clean white coat (one with no blood, because it most likely will be interpreted as being from their loved one).

b.Clearly introduce yourself when entering the room.

c.Find out who is in the room and identify the next of kin.

d.Get down to eye level with that person.

e.Reach out and make some contract with that person, such as their hand or knee.

f.Make eye contact.

g.State, "Your (husband, daughter, brother) has died."

h.Allow up to 2 minutes of silence.

i.Ask if they have any questions about what happened.

j.Never leave the room before asking a personal question about the person who died or the life that person had with their family.

it's just a guideline. ODn't ask me to break any. i'm bad at these kinda things.


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